Thursday, September 15, 2016

Issues with performance and bluetooth...

The issue I have been having with performance is that the phone seems to stutter and lag a lot when multitasking (something a flagship device really shouldn't be doing, I'm not running that many apps at once). I'm considering changing to a galaxy S7, but I thought I would first ask if using a custom ROM (perhaps changing the thermal manager too) has much benefit in this regard? Sometimes this slowdown seems to fix itself with a reboot, but having to reboot the phone every couple of days is also not something that should be necessary, and also then means I have to make sure my android wear app is connected properly and other such things. It's an annoyance at best.

The bluetooth issue is something else, and may be android rather than phone related. For the last month or so, when connected to either my car radio or my headphones, the phone will occasionally just stop playing and disconnect from bluetooth. Sometimes it will reconnect after like 30 seconds or so, but generally it's quicker for me to turn bluetooth off and on, or unpair and repair using the controls on the car radio. Not sure what to do to fix this, can't find any examples of this happening to anyone else.

from xda-developers


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