Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to root Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2

For kitkat only JB may not work. Before root kindly backup your data. 


1. Root z5 kitkat v2 
2. Intel driver
3. USB Cable
4. Windows pc

I am using windows 7 for this work.

am not resposible for any damage or soft/hard brick will happened to your device!

1. Download first Intel driver on your PC extract  and install it.
Follow the Screenshot below
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 1

Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 2

Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 3
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 4

2. Once driver succesfully installed, connect your phone to your pc using usb cable. Don't forget to enable debugging mode. To do that, go to settings>about>software information>build number (tap 7 times to enable developer option) then, go back to settings>developer options>usb debugging (enable/check it).

Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 5

3. Then, Test for authorized connection between pc and phone. Go to downloaded rootz5kitkatv2 on your pc and click files>hold shift + right>choose open command window.
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 6
4. Then cmd will prompt. Then type " adb devices" hit enter. The left side is your serial number and the right side is the word "device" it means your good to go.
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 7

Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 8
5. If the word "unauthorized" will appear instead of "device" then youre not good to go. So unplugged your phone from pc and reconnect again. A prompt from your phone will appear. Just check allow always to continue.
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 9

6. Please read the instructions carefully. These time we will root your phone. Now, stay connected to your pc with your mobile and open the file "rootz5kitkatv2" that you download file. Double click "root-zenfone5-ww" or "Root-ZenFone5-en"

Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 10

7. The bat file will open and the rooting process is now starting. Your phone will reboot 5 to 6 times. Just press any key to continue. Wait for some more time 
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 11
last reboot screen ...
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 12
8. Last reboot will appear, check your phones app drawer, if you can see SuperSU, congrats! you are now rooted.
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 13
9. To survive root access during OTA updates, go to supersu>settings>enable pro. Once done, go back again supersu>settings>enable survival mode.
Rooting Zenfone 5 Kitkat V2 Screenshot 13
Congrats your Zenfone are now rooted!

Special thanks to:
avvavm of xda

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