Thursday, September 15, 2016

/Android/data folder is both present on my internal storage and on my ext SD card

Hi all,
first of all I will attempt to be more clear as possible, since english is not my main language :)

Well, I was checking, using ES file manager, the available space on my ext SD card (called sd0 - 14,41 GB), when I noticed that the space was a little bit bigger since i reflashed the stock rom: after some investigation I noticed that inside my ext SD card there is a folder called Android, and this folder contains a subfolder called data: inside this data subfolder there are a some folders (24 folders - about 17 MB) of my installed applications.. But the /Android/data folder is also present inside the internal storage (called sd1 - 4,70 GB), with the only difference that here there are only 14 folder with a size of 4 KB. I also have to mention the fact that some folder (but not all) are duplicated on both paths: look here:
Data folder on ext sd card
Data folder on internal storage

I went inside Lollipop's settings, under storage settings, and looking at the bar graph I've seen that applications are taking a space of 1,52 GB on a total of 14,41, on my ext SD card.
Then I make sure that the default installation path for applications was set to internal:

Then, since I want to save extra files (eg screenshots and camera's pictures) on my ext SD, I also set the path to ext SD:

However ES file explorer, differently from the Lollipop settings, is telling me that the bigger size is on sd0 - the internal storage:

I miss something? And however, why on my ext SD (sd1) there is an almost duplicated /Android/data path?

Summarizing: my ext sd card is reported as SD0 and has a size of 16 GB: my internal storage is reported as SD1 and has s size of 4,70 GB. I am ok if applications are installed on internal memory: I can't understand why /Android/data path is duplicated on both storages, and why Lollipop is sayng that the apps -1,52 GB- are installed on SD0 and ES file explorer is telling that apps -1,84 GB- are installed on SD1.

Many thanks.

from xda-developers


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