Sunday, September 18, 2016

Buying a Mate 8 from China. What to look for?

Hello, guys!

I am interested in buying the Mate 8 from a Chinease retailer. My main motivation is that they offer lower prices on the device. However I am aware that there are some "risks" involved so I wanted to make this tread, hoping that some usefull advice can be gathered here.

Firstly, I understand that there are a couple of versions of the Mate 8. As far they are conserned the only ones worth considering are the AL10, L29 and L09 since the other versions, like DL00 for instance, have poor software support. Does this mean that the former enjoy regular software updates? In the case of the AL10 can one receive the uptades regulary if he is not residing in China? Does Huawei push montly security patches?

My second consern is regarding google play services. As far as I understand a buyer of an AL10 would receive the device without google play store and google services. Is it true that the device comes with a Huawei app store from where they can be downloaded? Are there any issues regarding the installation and regular usage of the play store and other apps that are downloaded on an AL10?After all it is a Chinease version so perhaps it was not meant to have play store on it.

Thirdly I would like to ask whether one should allow the retailer to install google play and multi-ling support? I ask this because it came to my knowledge that these vendors would usually install some kind of custom rom that does not have software support.

Is there something that I am missing? Would you have any further advice? Is there something else one must look after when buying a device from China?

from xda-developers


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