Sunday, September 18, 2016

How to Rerun Setup WIZZARD?

I did the safe upgrade from 6.1 to 6.6, rooted, and then removed ads. In the process I skipped through the setup wizard and now I can't get the phone to automatically install all my stuff from my old HTC phone. I had previously just used the phone stock and when I first started it up everything transferred over like magic from the cloud, background wall papers etc.

I tried the following with no luck.
adb shell am start -n cotupwizard/.SetupWizardTestActivity

Activity class { } does not exist.

I can't seem to find setupwizard*.* anywhere on the phone. Do I need to download it from somewhere like below:
A bit stuck and in over my head.
Thanks for the help,

apkmirror dot com /apk/google-inc/setup-wizard/setup-wizard-224-release/setup-wizard-224-android-apk-download

from xda-developers


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