Assassin's Creed - Quick Look

Here's a quick look at the hottest game of the season - Assassin's Creed. The details are extracted various sites, mainly Wikipedia. But, there's an overflow of 'Too Much Information' there. So, I'm giving you what you need to know.
- Story
The player assumes the role of Desmond Miles, a seemingly normal bartender who is also the most modern member of a long family tree of assassins. He is taken to a facility where he uses the Animus, a machine that allows him to see the memories of his ancestors during the Third Crusade, in the year 1191. Desmond assumes the role of Altaïr, a member of the Hashshashin sect (the original "assassins"), whose objective is to slay the nine historical figures who are propagating the Third Crusade. As the player finds and kills these targets, their conspiracy is unveiled. The player travels through three cities: Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus as well as Masyaf, the assassins' stronghold. Altaïr discovers that his targets are The Templar Knights.
At the end of the game, With Altaïr's memory complete, Desmond wakes up out of the Animus to learn that Abstergo Industries is already sending out recovery teams to those locations hoping to find additional artifacts. Desmond, no longer being of use to Abstergo Industries, is to be silenced; however, he is saved by Lucy, who reveals herself to be an Assassin by bending down her ring finger, to imply her membership.
This 1st installment of the triology possibly ends here. - Gameplay
Assassin's Creed is a third-person stealth game, in which the player primarily controls the assassin Altaïr through computer-rendered memories experienced by Desmond. The primary goal of the game is to use stealth and other tactics to complete nine assassinations, though prior to strike out for the target, the player must perform a minimum number of intelligence missions, whether by eavesdropping, interrogation, or pickpocketing information from a given target. Additionally, the player may be made aware of other opportunities to use the assassin's skill, from climbing tall towers to map out the city, or to save citizens from being threatened by others. Many of the acrobatic skills mimic those found in Ubisoft Montreal's previous Prince of Persia games.
The game itself is divided into four cities from the 12th Century: Jerusalem, Damascus, Acre, and Masyaf, and all but Masyaf contain three sections that are unlocked over the course of the game. Besides his fists, a sword, Altaïr has a long knife, a throwing knives, and gains the use of a hidden retractable blade on his left arm that can be used for killing targets at very close quarters without creating any immediate alert. - Extra Exclusive
Read about the Jade Raymond controversy - Jade Raymond is HOT
Check out the Photo Gallery of Jade Raymond - Jade raymond - Assassin
Watch exclusive videos from the game - Trailer, Interview & Exclusive
Official Website