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1) Turn Off Internet Connection 2) Place Your Downloaded Recovery on Sdcard Directory 3) Select Recovery update 4) Select Your Recovery 5) Then Flash It 6) Then Reboot Into Recovery.
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Hello, we have Gionee P4 Mystic Os V6 well design with zero bug ,it have nice performance and well Design i would like to share you some features of these bugless Custom Rom.
BUGS 1. Fm radio not supported. 2. help me to find bug by commenting them.
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Download TWEAKWARE V3.5 Or from Google Playstore After successfully downloaded And Installed The TWEAKWARE...
1. Open it Click on settings at your right corner Now take you to another page click on BUNDLED SETTINGS.... 2. After clicking on bundled settings 3. Click on select bundled settings 4. After clicking on select bundled settings 5. Now choose etisalat 00.0kb After successfully.... 6. choose Etisalat 00.0kb 7. Go back to home and connect Successfully connected! Enjoy Your Etisalat....
So most of us is using a headphone and earphones right? And some of us hates the wire connected to Headphones it's so long and so irritating. And the great news is AfterShokz release their new Bluez 2S Wireless Stereo headphones. An an open ear design and a suite of convenient features to keep you connected on your music or calls on Road, or at work and almost anywhere as long as it is with you.
Bluez 2S Features:
Bone conduction technology delivers music through your cheekbones, ensuring ears remain completely open to hear ambient sounds
OpenFit™ design ensures maximum situational awareness and comfort during long-term wear
PremiumPitch+™ guarantees a premium audio experience, including wide dynamic range and rich bass
Disclaimer: * Your warranty will be VOID after installing a custom ROM. * * Get notified yourself that I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. * Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM * before flashing it! * YOU are choosing to make these modifications, * and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, * I will laugh at you. */
Port with Jiayu S3 Firmware AOSP Android 7.1 for Lenovo K3 Note
Working: -Touch -Buttons -Wi-fi -SIM cards -Network -Sound in the internal dynamics of the sound with headphones -Light sensor -Gyroscope -Both memory vibration There Root Rights and reboot Recovery.
Bugs: Bluetooth Camera (two) Flashlight Compass external speaker the ice the charging indicator (red).
It was decided to put the firmware for review as it is, because the process of correcting and refining and delayed their own, we cannot manage! The firmware is not suitable for everyday use! Download:
Si te entusiasman las carreras de coches, ¡CSR Racing es el único juego de coches gratuito que necesitas! ¡Ahora con modo multijugador en línea!
Pon a prueba el coche de tus sueños en una competición cargada de adrenalina: una carrera clandestina por las calles desiertas de la ciudad. CSR Racing combina gráficos de alta fidelidad, una experiencia de juego apasionante y un modo de competición multijugador en un juego de carreras de coches de lo más innovador.
Mejora tu Audi R8, BMW M3 o Chevy Corvette con turbos, inyección de nitro y retoques aerodinámicos para derrotar a rivales cada vez más duros. Y cuando estés listo... ¡será el momento de desafiar a las bandas que dominan la ciudad!
¿Has alcanzado la clase 3? ¡Pues prepárate para correr contra el mundo! Gana coches y adhesivos únicos, consigue puntos de admiración de tus colegas y corre contra los mejores bajo el sol de una pista de carreras junto a la playa. Puede que ya te hayas hecho con la ciudad, ¡pero es hora de desafiar al resto del mundo!
CSR Racing incluye unos gráficos increíbles que suponen un logro nuevo y difuminan las barreras entre las consolas y tu dispositivo Android. La iluminación de última generación se combina con un nivel de detalle asombroso que supera a cualquier juego de carreras de coches en 1080p del mercado.
Incluye coches autorizados oficialmente de Audi, Bentley, BMW, Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, GM, Mercedes, Mini, McLaren, Pagani y Nissan; entre otros, los modelos Audi R8, Ford GT, Chevrolet Camaro, McLaren MP4-12C, Nissan GT-R, BMW M3... ¡y alguna que otra sorpresa!
-- ¡Ahora incluye el SRT Viper, el Mercedes SLS AMG y muchos más!
R8 contra GT-R, Continental Supersports contra SLR McLaren. Tu coche contra el suyo en línea recta. Un auténtico desafío de potencia, habilidad y tácticas. Si aciertas con las revoluciones, meterás un turbo increíble; pero si activas la nitro en el momento equivocado, te quedarás convertido en carbón y hierros.
Elige entre distintos turbos, motores modificados, ajustes de ECU, neumáticos de carreras y más para mejorar estratégicamente tu coche y adaptarlo a tu estilo de conducción. Pero recuerda que ningún coche es igual a otro: no quemes un coche con propulsión trasera y neumáticos finos metiéndole una potencia que no podrá soportar.
Ponle a tu coche una matrícula personalizada, adhesivos exclusivos y píntalo de manera que diga algo de ti.
No estás solo. Las bandas que dominan la ciudad te vigilan; pronto te enfrentarás a sus mejores conductores. Derrota a sus jefes y te quedarás con su barrio. Suena bien, ¿verdad? Pero no es oro todo lo que reluce...
Asegúrate de que tu dispositivo esté conectado a internet cuando juegues para tener acceso al contenido y a las características más recientes y para garantizar la creación de una copia de seguridad para tu perfil.
RECUERDA: CSR Racing es gratuito, pero cuenta con objetos que se pueden comprar con dinero real.
Para evitar compras no autorizadas, selecciona "Definir o cambiar el PIN" en el menú de configuración de Google Play, crea un PIN y luego marca la casilla "Usar PIN para compras". Se te pedirá que introduzcas tu PIN antes de cada transacción. Ten en cuenta que esta opción solo está disponible en la versión 3.x o superior de Android.
CSR Racing ha sido publicado por NaturalMotion Games
CyanogenMod is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 5.1(LP), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.
#include /* * Your warranty is now void. * * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM * before flashing it! */
CyanogenMod is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. Linked below is a package that has come from another Android project that restore the Google parts. CyanogenMod does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.
Unofficial build of CyanogenMod 12.1 (Android 5.1.1) for the Firefly Intense Desire
ZARF se basa en el concepto totalmente único.Todos y cada icono es hecha a mano con una gran cantidad de detalles y la precisión .¿Qué te hará caer en el amor con su dispositivo una vez más
Phonearena Este paquete de iconos realmente magnífico es sin duda nuestra taza de té. Es lo contrario de lo que se podría llamar "minimalista", ya que cada icono del deporte una agradable cantidad de detalles intrincados.Pasamos mucho tiempo explorando los iconos, y desde luego les gustó mucho!Http://
CARACTERÍSTICAS iconos -Alta calidad [192x192] fondos de escritorio basado -Cloud Fácil de usar Dashboard -Constant actualizaciones y soporte -Empotrados icono de la herramienta de solicitud -Dynamic Calendario Soporte
APOYADO LANZADOR -Nova Launcher - Apex Launcher -Go Launcher -Cyanogen Launcher - ADW Launcher - Atom Launcher -Epic Launcher -Lucid Launcher -Holo Launcher -La mayoría sí que soportan los paquetes de icono
INSTALACIÓN Los iconos se pueden aplicar directamente dentro del tablero de instrumentos o Al entrar en Configuración del lanzador
Helio interfaz de usuario es un pack de iconos circular con colores vivos, degradado y las sombras mínimos.
Helio interfaz de usuario es un pack de iconos circular con colores vivos, degradado y las sombras mínimos.
CARACTERÍSTICAS: -. XXXHDPI (192 x 192 px) Iconos - Más de 1300 iconos personalizados. Y creciente. - Actualizaciones frecuentes. - Creado usando gráficos vectoriales - Nube. Picker Wallpaper Based. - Cientos de iconos alternativos. - Muzei Live Wallpaper Soporte - Dinámica Calendario de Apoyo. - Icono enmascaramiento será tema de sus iconos unthemed.
LANZADORES COMPATIBLES: • Acción Launcher • ADW Launcher • Apex Launcher • Atom Launcher • Aviate Launcher • dodol Launcher • épicos Launcher • GO Launcher EX • Inspire Launcher • Kcin Launcher • KK Launcher • L Launcher • LG Home • Lucid Launcher • Mini Launcher • Nemus Launcher • Siguiente Launcher • Nueve Launcher • Nova Launcher • S Launcher • Smart Launcher • Solo Launcher • Themer • CM Motor Temático • Launchy Widget • Trebuchet • Unicon
1. Descargar un lanzador personalizado desde arriba 2. Abra la aplicación Helio interfaz de usuario y pulsa el botón de acción que flota en la parte inferior derecha. 3. Seleccione su lanzador dedicado y usted es bueno ir!
Grabar todo lo que el micrófono del teléfono recoge, sin dejar de utilizar el teléfono como de costumbre. La grabación se realiza en el fondo. No se detendrá hasta que le indique que deje. Se volverá a empezar a sí mismo si se reinicia el teléfono. No empujar de los botones de volumen tres veces, no hay procedimientos complicados para iniciar y detener la grabación! Sin grabación accidental o fallo accidental a grabar!
Sólo tiene que abrir la aplicación y haga clic en Iniciar o Detener. Haga clic en el botón Inicio para mostrar la aplicación en segundo plano, mientras se está grabando.
BSR tiene una característica especial que carece de muchas otras aplicaciones de grabación de sonido encubierta: envío por FTP! Si configura su propio servidor FTP e introduzca su nombre de host, nombre de usuario y la contraseña a la configuración de BSR, BSR será capaz de cargar cada archivo grabado a ese servidor FTP. Esto abre un sinfín de posibilidades para la vigilancia de audio y documentación de audio.
El 22 de julio de 2016, una nueva característica se agregó a BSR: Google Drive carga! Esto funciona de manera similar a la función de envío por FTP. Sólo tiene que hacer clic en "Subir a Google Drive" en las Preferencias, y seleccione su cuenta de Google en el cuadro de diálogo emergente que aparece poco después. Usted no tendrá que autorizar su aplicación cada vez que utilice BSR, el token de autenticación se guarda en el dispositivo.
BSR se puede configurar para mantener la memoria de almacenamiento interno de su teléfono se quede sin. Sólo hay que establecer el tamaño máximo de la carpeta, y BSR eliminará las grabaciones más antiguas tan pronto como el tamaño de la carpeta supera el máximo.
BSR se puede configurar para grabar de forma programada. Al establecer el inicio y parada en tiempos y haga clic en Iniciar grabación. Se va a esperar hasta que el arranque en el tiempo, récord hasta la parada en el tiempo, y luego esperar otra vez. Este ciclo se repetirá para siempre, o hasta que el dispositivo se rompe, o hasta que haga clic en Detener.
Honor 8 Camera Focus: Road Trip to Big Android BBQ
Miles from XDA TV set out to test one of the best features of the Honor 8 phone by taking it on a road trip all the way to the Big Android BBQ in Texas. This video takes a look at some of the photos and videos that were taken so you can see the quality for yourself. If you want to read more about the Honor 8's dual-camera setup and how it works, you can read our explainer.
The first photo is from a hotel in Texas. This is a prop of an old vintage camera. This was taken with the wide aperture mode in the Honor 8 camera app. Taking wide aperture photos can produce images with a shallow depth of field. In this photo you can see how the lens of the vintage camera is the part that is in focus and the background is blurred. This gives this picture a very professional look. This effect is handled entirely in the software side of the phone.
This is a picture of the conference building that the Big Android BBQ took place in. The camera did really well in handling this type of condition. On the right you have strong shadows coming from the trees, the sky is bright and even the building has a shadow over it. Normally this would make for a difficult picture to take. Notice how the shadow areas are still visible, the sky isn't blown out at all, and you can even see the small details on the building in the distance.
While it look like this video was taken at day time with good lighting conditions, it was actually taken in a dark restaurant at night time. There is virtually no noise and colors and details looks great. You can easily read the small text on the menu sitting on the table.
This is one of the best photos taken on this roadtrip. HDR mode was used to improve the details in the lightest and darkest areas of this photo. Look at how consistent the details are throughout the picture, even though you have varying levels of light going on.
Thanks to Honor for making this post possible. As a reminder, we have a partnership going with Honor which includes, among other things, an incentive program where you can win prizes just by being active in Honor forums on XDA.
from xda-developers via IFTTT
Donde quieras y cuando quieras. Runtastic Results transforma tu cuerpo en sólo 12 semanas: te ayuda a perder peso y a construir y definir tus músculos, sin necesidad de equipación y en muy poco tiempo. ¿Cómo? Con un plan de entrenamiento personalizado de 12 semanas y montones de vídeos tutoriales que te ayudarán a llegar al éxito y a transformar tu cuerpo por completo.
"Fantástico, un personal trainer en el bolsillo, a cualquier hora y en cualquier lugar y sólo con el cuerpo". Reseñas como ésta demuestran que Runtastic Results no sólo es práctico sino que se adapta a ti. Tu cuerpo empezará a dar un cambio positivo, ¡te lo garantizamos! Disminuye la grasa corporal, aumenta la fuerza y define tus músculos: ¡con Runtastic Results alcanzarás la meta!
* Tu plan personalizado: plan de entrenamiento con el propio peso de 12 semanas. Tu plan se crea en base a tu propio nivel de fitness para que consigas el mejor cuerpo posible. * Apoyo y motivación totales: la Comunidad Runtastic está llena de millones de personas en todo el mundo que, como tú, quieren mantenerse activas y en forma. No importa cuál sea tu objetivo, ¡estamos en esto juntos! * Guía de Salud y Nutrición: obtén tus consejos de salud, nutrición y estilo de vida semanalmente, que podrás empezar a aplicar desde hoy y para siempre. Ésta es la mejor manera de maximizar los resultados de la transformación de tu cuerpo: ¡aquí no encontrarás dietas relámpago! * Más de 150 vídeos HD con ejercicios: instrucciones paso a paso sobre cómo completar todos y cada uno de los ejercicios del plan de entrenamiento, de forma correcta y segura. * Entrena con tu tablet: usa la app tanto en tu smartphone como en tu tablet * Entrenamientos Standalone: ¡entrenamientos de fuerza adicionales que puedes hacer donde quieras y cuando quieras! ¿Que por qué? Pues porque cuando se trata de ayudarte a transformar tu cuerpo, nos ponemos serios.
Comprométete a vivir una vida más sana y a transformar tu cuerpo hoy mismo. Descarga la app gratuitamente ahora. ¡Queremos que seas nuestra nueva historia de éxito! Prepárate para tener más energía, unos músculos más tonificados, quemar más grasa, ganar más seguridad en ti mismo y conseguir una mayor resistencia con Runtastic Results.
Recuerda: ¡no seas reservado! Comparte el secreto de la transformación total del cuerpo sin necesidad de equipación a través de Facebook, Google+ y Twitter. Motiva a tus amigos a que obtengan también su propio plan de entrenamiento de fuerza y con el propio cuerpo de 12 semanas y empieza a ver los resultados que puedes alcanzar con ejercicios sólo con tu propio peso.
--- PREMIUM features Unlocked! Link de descarga: ARCHIVO APK
Weather Now es la aplicación más sencilla del tiempo se podía encontrar. Se trata de una recta a la aplicación del tiempo que muestra el punto que sólo la información relevante para usted: El Tiempo!
Características simples pero poderosas
* Clima actual * Hora pronosticar hasta 24 horas * 7 Días pronosticar * Soporte Desconectado * Soporta métrico y sistemas de unidades Imperial (por defecto) (puede ser cambiado en la configuración)
El tiempo para cualquier ciudad en el mundo en sus manos El tiempo ahora le permite buscar el tiempo para cualquier ubicación. Sólo tienes que pulsar el botón de búsqueda y escriba el nombre de la ciudad. También puede agregar ciudades a su lista de lugares para encontrarlos fácilmente!
El tiempo de notificación
Si se habilita la notificación se mostrará el tiempo de su ubicación actual. Puede ampliar la pantalla de notificación y 5 días de previsión
Widgets para su pantalla de inicio
Tiempo Ahora viene con una variedad de widgets para la pantalla de inicio. Elegir los mejores widgets para la pantalla de inicio y le hace el suyo el cambio de colores! (Sólo blanco y negro para la versión gratuita)
¿Qué recibo con la versión AdFree ($ 0,99 solamente)? * Eliminar publicidad (por supuesto!) * Día / Noche Temática * Más colores personalizados para sus widgets! * Todas las próximas funciones AdFree!
Entre las próximas
* Mapas / Radar (AdFree solamente) * Soporte Android Wear * Recibir notificación de alertas meteorológicas severas para la ubicación actual (sólo AdFree) * Tema por encargo (AdFree solamente)
Obtener Tiempo traduce ahora en su idioma
Si quieres ayudar a traducir Tiempo Ahora en su idioma por favor envíeme un correo electrónico a
--- FULL version Unlocked! Link de descarga: ARCHIVO APK
PSA: Google Assistant says it’s “Offline” when you’re on a VPN, but everything still works
Google Assistant is one of the most advertised features for the new Google Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones, although there are ways to enable it on non-Pixel Nougat devices as well as on non-Nougat devices. Although Google has currently restricted official compatibility to a very small subset of Android devices, you can still get full use out of Assistant through these unofficial mods. Assistant is still clearly undergoing lots of changes, as many of the features shown off during the October 4th event have yet to make their way into the production build of the service. Though, we at XDA have been having some fun with the IFTTT integration that was recently released.
A few users have noticed a peculiar, yet ultimately benign bug in Google Assistant. If you regularly make use of VPN on your Android device, you will find that Google Assistant seemingly falls back to working only in offline mode. The choice of device does not matter nor does the means of getting Assistant working in the first place (eg. via build.prop edits or Xposed module), as the bug seems to be Google Assistant related. We say that the bug is benign because despite warning you that Google Assistant is in offline mode, everything still seems to work just fine. Some users of ad-blocking software that relies of creating a VPN are reporting that Assistant is not working for them, but we haven't been able to corroborate that claim.
In any case, to recreate the bug simply turn on any VPN connection (in my testing even Google's WiFi Assistant seems to trigger the bug) and open up Google Assistant. There you have it: in case you were confused why Google Assistant is saying you're offline, it's because of a bug triggered by whatever VPN you're currently running.
from xda-developers via IFTTT
Xposed Module LeEco EUI Modder allows for a Near-Vanilla Android UI
XDA Member zyberkiddy has created an Xposed Module called LeEco EUI Modder that lets you customize a number of features included in version 5.8 of LeEco's EUI OEM skin. You can bring back the vanilla lockscreen, vanilla recent app switcher, and more.
from xda-developers via IFTTT
Glo Bounce Best Cheapest Glo Tariff Plan 2016 - Glo Bounce + Overload Bonus
Rate Call to other Glo Bounce subscribers: 11k/s Other Glo to Glo calls as well as other networks: 15kobo per sec (N9/min) Conditions: N24 first min (Charged only when you make the first call once a day) Usage: 15k/s flat for all networks.
How to Migrate to Glo Bounce and Enjoy Cheap Calls
Code to migrate: Dial “*170*4#” Code to check call balance on Glo: Dial #124*1#
Bonus Glo Overload – Update June 2015 Subscribe to Glo Overload to get additional bonus when you recharge.
Features: 2x bonus (100%) for N100 recharge and 3x (200%) for N200 and above recharge .
Free 15mb data on every recharge (valid for the day) Free 1 minute for every 3 minutes of call .
How To to activate Overload: Code Dial *200# Code to check overload bonus call balance: Dial #122*7#
Conditions: Bonus is only for Glo to Glo calls and charged at 60k/s (N36 per minute).
Use between 10pm and 8am. Main account balance charge according to your current tariff plan Enjoy your calls
Starting things off is the Silver Aluminum Case with a White Sports Band that’s available for both the Apple Watch Series 1 and 2, which has been priced at Php 15,490 for the 38mm case and the price for the 42mm case is 16,990. There are a bunch of other color variations that use the same material for you to choose from. Hang on to your seats, because the price just shoots up from here. Exclusive to the Apple Watch Series 2 is a Silver Aluminum Case with Woven Nylon. This has been given a Php 20,990 price tag for the 38mm case and Php 22,490 for the 48mm case. Once again, there are different color variations that use the same material for the case and band, but our favorite among this bunch has to be the Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black Woven Nylon; a very safe combination. Got a good grip on your seat? Prices are about to get a bit higher. This is the Apple Watch Series 2 with a Stainless Steel Case and the White Sports Band. This is priced at Php 30,990 for the 38mm case and at Php 33,990 for the 42mm case. There’s a bigger variety available for the bands that go with the Stainless Steel Case, such as: the Brown Classic Buckle, Milanese Loop, and Link Bracelet. The most expensive from the Stainless Steel variants is the Space Black colored case with Space Black Link Bracelet that comes in at Php 58,990 and Php 61,990 depending on the casing size. The most expensive of all is the Apple Watch Series 2 that comes with a White Ceramic Case and Cloud Sports Band. The damage for this variant? Php 69,990 for the 38mm case and Php 72,990 for the 42mm case; definitely a serious amount of cash. Unboxing + Review Video is here!
There’s a lot riding on the new iteration of ASUS’ Zenfones. Their mantra of offering the best mix of design, performance and price has allowed the company to amass legions of fans and quite a chunk of the local marketshare. That mantra has also resonated with price-sensitive pinoy buyers since they entered the smartphone market a few years ago – a mantra that thousands and thousands of their adoring fans expect the company to stick to with their newest iteration.
ASUS Zenfone 3 ZE552KL specs:
Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 processor
5.5-inch full HD IPS display, Corning Gorilla Glass protection, 2.5D glass, 1920 x 1080 resolution
64GB of expandable storage
16-megapixel rear camera, Sony IMX298 sensor, f/2.0 aperture, 4-axis OIS, 3-axis EIS, 6 element largan lens, laser AF, phase detection AF, continous focus
8-megapixel front camera, f/2.0 aperture
WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, A-GPS, Fingerprint scanner, USB Type-C
ARM announces their second Bifrost GPU – the Mali-G51
Back in May of this year ARM announced the Mali-G71, the company's first GPU that utilized their new Bifrost architecture. This new architecture from ARM was quickly adopted into the high-end mobile market, due to growing demand for VR gaming along with other complex and constantly evolving power hungry mobile gaming content. When building their new Bifrost architecture, ARM wanted to create a GPU that could scale to any price point.
Thus, the Mali-G51 GPU was born. Aimed at the "mainstream" smartphone market rather than the high-end market, the Mali-G51 is ARM's attempt at creating a GPU capable of handling high-level graphics requirements without pushing the cost requirement. The company was able to tune the Bifrost architecture to the performance level and power limitations that most smartphones and tablets have. ARM says they were able to optimize Bifrost's low-level instruction set even further with the introduction of the new Mali-G51, and they've also implemented a new dual-pixel shader core.
ARM states that they've also redesigned the texturing units and improved the framebuffer compression as well. There's been a lot of work put into this GPU over the past 5 months, and ARM is clearly pleased with their results. The Mali-G51 GPU supports scalable performance for the latest graphics APIs including OpenCL 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.2 and the popular Vulkan. When compared to the Mali-T830, ARM says the G51 offers a 60% boost in performance density.
This performance boost is also accompanied by a 60% increase in energy efficiency, and the GPU as a whole is 30% smaller when compared to the Mali-T830 as well. ARM says the Mali-G51 GPU offers sustained performance thanks to the their latest advancements in energy efficiency, which is really important for those long mobile gaming sessions. The company says they will bring the Mali-G51 to its first SoC sometime in 2017, and that means we'll likely start to see it appear in many mobile devices in 2018 at the latest.
Get MTN #100 airtime, make sure its ready beside you.
After this, migrate to MTN BetaTalk by sending “BT” to “131”. Or dialing *123*2*6#.
After doing the above, load the #100 naira airtime and dont panic. You will be given 250% of the airtime recharged.
MTN charge 40Kobo per seconds on MTN BetaTalk: With the #250 Bonus given to you, you can call for 10.1 Minute. Or use it to send SMS @ #4 per each SMS. MTN
Note: The bonus given to you on MTN Beta Talk can last for 7 days.
After exhausting the #250 Bonus given to you. Make sure you have less than #100 (eg. #99 or lower than that) before proceeding to next step.
There is no problem if you have #100 left but for security purpose which will be explained below, we advise you to have less than #100.
Migrate to MTN Xtrapro or MTN Pulse dialing *406*1# for MTN Pulse or *123*2*2*1# for MTN Xtrapro.
Both MTN Xtrapro and MTN pulse charge 11Kobo per seconds i.e #6.6 per minute.With the remaining #100 you can call for 25 Minutes….
Pertainning to the security reason posited earlier, it should be noted that about 4 months ago migration from one MTN tariff plan to another is free.
I am currently rocking this on my sim. So we advised you to have less than #100 because nobody knows when Empty-Hen will block the free migration.
And Migration from one tariff plan to another on MTN cost #100, so to be on safer side we advise you to have less than the charged amount.
Etisalat is giving out 400MB for as low as N50 on their package called Etisalat Smartpack and the good news is that you can use this 400MB the way you want with no restrictions with help of Psiphon, netify, sypon shield, tweak it vpn and other third-party VPN app.
That Means, it is very affordable
With just 50naira you can subscribe to the daily package while the weekly smart package cost 150 naira but it capped the same on etisalat fair usage policy To subscribe for chat pak, dial *343*5*5# for daily or*343*6*6# for weekly.
You can aslo send chat2 to 343 for daily and chat3 to 343 for weekly activate via SMS
After successful deduction fee and message then proceed to the following trick to make it work on any site and app.Let me use psiphon vpn as an example, after you will get to know how to integrate it on other VPN
Firstly, install and download Psiphon vpn (search for psiphon handler using above search box) on your phone or device then launch it and configure it like this below
APN: etisalat
Port: 8080 or
APN: etisalat
Port: 8080
Save And Activate it
Then Launch Psiphon Handler or tweak it VPN , in the handler menu
Proxy type: Real Host
Real Proxy type: DIRECT
Real Proxy server:
Real Proxy port: 3128 Select save and click on "tunnel whole device".Click on the option tab» Region: select, USA or any other server»
Select more option Check " Connect through an HTTP Pro" then select "Use the following settings:" then configure as
Host address:
Port: 3128
Start your connection and enjoy !
Note; Etisalat Will Send You Sms When You Exhaust Your Data
Mod Brings Night Mode Back to the Nexus 6P on Android 7.1.1
Many people have been disappointed with the removal of Night Mode on the Nexus 6P with the Android 7.1 Developer Preview. Now, a modification from XDA Senior Member SyCreed brings Night Mode, Pixel navigation bar icons, uncolored battery saver mode and more for the Nexus 6P.
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All You Need To Know About Windows Surface Studio (Specs & Price)
The all-in-one PC is driven by latest-generation Intel Core processors (Core i5 or i7), backed by abundant RAM of up to 32 GB. The top-end offering is equipped with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M smooth graphics, while the base model is fitted with a less-powerful NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M graphics card. Surface Studio, with its strikingly large and incredibly thin 28” PixelSense™ Display, lets you visualize ideas as you paint, edit, and design. Then watch those ideas leap off the screen with 13.5 million pixels of true-to-life color and clarity.
The bulk of the Studio is a 28-inch display mounted on a pair of "zero gravity" hinges that allow it to act as a regular monitor or fold down into "Studio mode" for a writing and drawing surface. In addition to 10-point multitouch, the display allows for interaction with a Surface Pen and a new accessory called the Surface Dial -- a small metal puck that can be placed against the screen and rotated. The display runs at an ultrahigh resolution (4,500 x 3,000) and can switch between the wide DCI-P3 color gamut and the more common sRGB with the push of a button -- a useful feature allowing designers to see what their creations will look like on other devices.
Inside the base is a pretty powerful PC. The $3,000 model comes with an Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, a 2GB GeForce GTX 965M GPU and a 1TB hybrid drive, while the high-end $4,200 model has a Core i7 CPU, 32GB of RAM, a 4GB GeForce GTX 980M graphics card and a 2TB drive. At those prices, with the incredibly high-spec display and the focus on Pen input, the Studio is clearly not meant for the average user. Microsoft says it's "designed for the creative process," pitching it as the center of your workflow. But is this what that market wants, or needs? We spoke with a number of professionals across multiple fields, from video-game design to illustration, to gauge their initial reaction and see what Microsoft needs to nail for the Studio to be a success.
The hinge is designed to easily let you go from upright to flat working device without resistance, and the Surface Pen support really helps make that True Scale feature very appealing. It basically means you can write in full speed (the latency looks incredibly low) on a 1:1 8.5×11 piece of virtual paper on the screen. Onstage, Panay also introduced and demonstrated the Surface Dial. It’s designed a new input device, in line with but different from things like mice and keyboards. Dial has global controls built-in, meaning they work throughout Windows at the system level. The Dial can work either laid out on the desk like a keyboard, or placed directly on the display, as in the image above. It’ll have different functions depending on which way you’re using it. Surface Dial also works with Surface Book, Surface Pro 3 and Surface Pro 4 for off-screen functions. Other specs are below.
XBox Wireless Zero Gravity Hinge TPM chip for enterprise security Windows Hello face sign-in camera Front Facing 5MP Camera with 1080p HD Video Stereo 2.1 speakers with Dolby Audio Premium OS: Windows 10 Pro Processor: Intel Core i5 or Core i7 Processors (6th Generation) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX Graphics (with 2GB or 4GB GDDR5 memory) Memory: 8GB, 16GB, or 32GB RAM Colours: Silver Dimension: 637.35 x 438.90 x 12.5 mm (Display) Weight: 9.56 kg
STORAGE Built-in Storage: 1TB or 2TB Rapid Hybrid Drive
CONNECTIVITY & OTHERS Webcam: Yes USB 3.0: 4 Ports (One port if high power) USB 2.0: No Thunderbolt: No HDMI: No Mini DisplayPort: Yes Ethernet (RJ-45): Yes SD Slot: –N/A Headphone: Yes Dual Microphone: Yes WLAN: Yes, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Bluetooth: Yes Bluetooth 4.0 The Surface Studio can be preordered in the United States starting at $2,999 and will start shipping in December. We have no information about pricing or availability of the Surface Studio in Nigeria, Ghana, or Kenya. If and when available, we expect Surface Studio price in Nigeria to start at around 1,100,000 Naira,
We saw SuperSU released for the Pixel phones this weekend, but now root has made its way to the LG V20 as well. This root method is possible thanks to XDA Recognized Developer jcadduono, who walks you through the entire rooting process in his forum thread.
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The UMI Plus is powered by Mediatek Helio P10 MT6755 chipset, 4 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal storage. The IPS technology is one of the most leading LCD technologies in the world. The camera of the UMi Plus is equipped with autofocus. Autofocus is a camera feature that fine-tunes the focus of the camera, it is a nice feature of this smartphone. Plus is 3G and 4G capable.
One of those features that combines both hardware and software is the camera. While the 13MP PDAF sensor made by Samsung is an important building block to a great camera, UMi's camera app for the Plus is what really puts the experience over the top.
Your phone is useful as a camera because it's always with you. That means you can take a picture even when you didn't know beforehand you'd want one. In these situations, it can be very important to be able to have the photo taken as quickly as possible before the moment slips away. The UMi Plus camera by default is perfect for pointing and shooting with no fiddling, just needing 0.15 seconds to focus for a perfectly exposed picture.
The Unboxing Umi Plus comes in a compact box that looks some worth similar to the box of the Wiko Getaway.
Inside the box, you will find the phone and sitting below it is the USB Type C cable.
In the box, you also find a SIM tray ejector Pin and the fast charge adapter for charging your phone. The charger can deliver up to 12V at 1.25A current. It can also deliver 5V, 7V, or 9V at 1.67A current. This just means your phone can charge very fast.
The Design
The Umi Plus looks great (Yes, I have said that a lot already). The metal body looks flawless. The entire back and sides are built of aerospace class, 6000 Series Aluminium alloy.
The front is covered with a 2.5D curved glass. The home button/fingerprint sensor is built-into the glass cover (below the display).
The fingerprint sensor is fast, allowing you unlock your phone in as little as 0.1 second. You can also register up to 5 fingerprints. Above the display, you find the 5 megapixels selfie camera, sensors, and earpiece.
Umi Plus has a dedicated camera button. This you will find on the left side of the phone.
Above the camera button is the dual-SIM tray. The tray supports either two micro-SIM cards or one micro-SIM and a microSD memory card.
On the right side, you will find the power/lock button and the volume rocker.
On top, you will find 3.5mm audio jack, while on the bottom, you will see the USB Type C port sandwiched between two grilles.
The Top View of UMi Plus showing the 3.5mm audio jack
However, despite the Umi Plus offering two grilles, it lacks stereo loudspeakers, an inadequacy it shares with the Xiaomi Mi 5S. The left grille is actually the main microphone, while the right grille is for the loudspeaker
The bottom side of the UMi Plus showing the USB Type C and two grilles for loudspeaker and microphone
On the back, you will notice the camera bump for the 13 megapixels rear camera, the dual-tone LED flash, the antenna band, and the UMi logo.
If you look carefully, you will also notice the second microphone for noise cancellation. The Display
Umi Plus has a 5.5-inch LPTS Display from Sharp with 1080 x 1920 pixels resolution. According to UMi, the Sharp Display supports 95% colour gamut with high colour saturation for a great viewing experience.
At 400 ppi, the UMi Plus screen is brilliant. The viewing angle is also great and you can view the screen comfortably outdoors. The entire front of the phone is covered with a 2.5D curved glass. It is the same Dinorex T2X-1 scratch/shock resistant Glass found on the Meizu m3 Note. The Battery Life
The Umi Plus Smartphone ranks high on battery life. UMi claims the phone can last for up to two days on one full charge and from my experience that claim seems possible. It sports a 4000 mAh battery from Sony.
We ran the PCMark Work 2.0 battery life test on the Umi Plus and it scored a respectable 6 hours 26 minutes, this puts it at par with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and well ahead of average scores of smartphones like the Huawei P9 (5 hours 22 minutes), OnePlus 3 (5 hours 24 minutes), Sony Xperia XZ (6 hours 17 minutes), and Samsung Galaxy S7 (5 hours).
This surely makes the UMi Plus above average in the battery life department, but still falls short of phones like the Huawei P9 Plus (9 hours 1 minute), Xiaomi Mi 5S Plus (7 hours 33 minutes), and Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro (9 hours 18 minutes).
However, what matters is battery life in the wild and I am impressed with how well the UMi Plus performs. Streaming YouTube Videos with audio from loudspeaker for 30 minutes drained the battery from 65% to 61%.
In addition when the smartphone is not doing anything it is super efficient. Leaving the phone overnight drains the battery between 1% to 3%. In one case, I charged the battery full before going to bed and about 7 hours later, the charge level was at 99%.
Though the battery drains slowly, Umi Plus offers a fast charger. I was able to charge from 28% to 100% in less than an hour. The battery is non-removable, but according to Umi, the battery can retain over 80% of its capacity after 900 charges. The Camera
UMi Plus features a 13 megapixels camera on the back. The camera is built of a Samsung 3L8 sensor, f/2.0 aperture, and dual-tone LED flash. The camera interface is pretty easy.
You can Toggle to HDR mode or the flash. You can also select Video, Photo or Panorama.
If you need more control, the UMi Plus camera has a Pro-Photo option that enables you manually control the camera characteristics as you deem fit.
You can manually control the Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, Exposure, ISO, and White balance. The camera offers a timer with a delay of up to 10 seconds.
The rear camera also supports face detection, smile detection, voice capture, and gesture shot. The camera can record up to 1080p HD Video (4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio).
Photo Resolution and Aspect Ratio options for the rear Camera, the phone also offers VGA (4:3), 1MP (4:3), and 1MP (16:9), which are not visible in the screenshot
UMi Plus has a 5 megapixels front facing camera for selfies. The camera supports face detection, gesture shot, or voice capture. However, the selfie camera is limited at VGA video with no options for altering video quality.
The photo quality is between good and average with the default camera setting. But, I have not yet done a serious test of the camera.
In addition, since the UMi Plus offers a Photo-Pro option that gives you control of some key camera characteristics, there is a wide room for improving your photo quality.
I will update this camera section in future. Multimedia
UMi Plus offers a Gallery app. Photos and Videos you shoot with your camera are automatically stored in the Camera roll album of the Gallery app. The phone offers a photo editor that enables you spruce up your photos before sharing them with the world.
The image editor is quite elaborate with lots of options to choose from.
The video app is basic and support only trimming.
UMi Plus does not offer the best sound quality via its loudspeaker. Though the smartphone offers two grilles, one of the grille is for a mono speaker while the other is for the microphone.
For the best audio quality, you are better off with an earbud. However, the phone does not come with an earbud in the box. So, you will have to buy the earbud separately. However, if you are like me, you already have a handful of earbuds littering your crib. Connectivity
UMi Plus supports downloads of up to 150 Mbps via 4G LTE. The smartphone supports four LTE bands Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 3 (1800MHz), Band 7 (2600MHz), and Band 20 (800MHz).
Both SIM cards can support 4G LTE, however when one SIM is on LTE, the other one can only do GSM. The phone also supports quad-band GSM and quad-band 3G.
UMi Plus also supports GPS and dual-band Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n). It also has an FM radio built-in and like most smartphones, you will need to connect an earbud to the 3.5mm audio jack to activate it.
The Umi Plus is equipped with a USB Type C port for fast charging and faster data transfer. The Software
UMi Plus is loaded with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow). However, unlike other makers that offer customised UI skin on-top of Android, UMi is offering a pure flavour of Android.
In fact, when we got this phone, we were expecting a phone with lots of Chinese characters and loads of bloatware, but UMi Plus surprised us. We found not even one bloatware. In fact, I had to download YouTube from the Play Store. It however came with Google Apps like Gmail, Search, Maps, and of course Play Store.
The advantage of stock Android is that you get faster updates and timely security patches. In fact, over the last seven days that I have been using the UMi Plus, it has received two security patches. This is simply not possible for most Android phones.
In addition UMi has also announced Android 7.0 (Nougat) update for the UMi Plus, UMi Max, and UMi Super for Christmas Eve this year.
The UI is pretty standard. The lockscreen shows time, date, and notifications. You also see shortcuts to the camera and Google Voice Assist on the lower end of the screen.Lockscreen
However, once you set a fingerprint unlock, you will see the lockscreen less often as you can unlock the screen from sleep directly to the homescreen just with a fingerprint scan.Homescreen
However, sometimes you may just want to check the time on the lockscreen without going into the homescreen. You can press the lock/power button on the right side of the phone to achieve this. The Performance
UMi Plus comes with a Mediatek Helio P10 MTK6755M chipset. This SoC offers a 64-bit, octa-core processor clocked at up to 1.8GHz and Mali T860 for GPU. The Phone also has 4GB RAM.
The UMi Plus ran smoothly during normal use. Video streaming was smooth and I did not notice any lags in normal use. I still had to run some benchmark tests just to be sure.
UMi Plus performed average on benchmark tests. It had a 657 single core score and a 2521 multi-core score on Geekbench 4.
On PCMark for Android Work 2.0 performance score, the UMi Plus got a 3117.
The Score puts it ahead of phones like the Xiaomi Redmi 3 (3072), Huawei Honor 5X (3062), Huawei GR5 (2888), Samsung Galaxy J7 (2868) and Lenovo Phab 2 Plus (2835).
However, to put things in perspective the Huawei P9 scored 5426, the Xiaomi Mi 5S (5203), Sony Xperia XZ (5093), and Samsung Galaxy S7 (4989).
Now lets look at AnTuTu Benchmark score:
UMi Plus scored a 45762 on AnTuTu Benchmark, which is average considering that the LG G5 pulled a 128232 score and the Huawei P9 a 91711 score.
Overall, the UMi Plus scores average on Benchmark performance, but my personal experience with it shows a phone that is smooth and fast. The Conclusion
UMi Plus looks very much like a flagship, it even performs smoothly (like a flagship should) with solid battery life, but there are still a number of trade-offs that negates the intended flagship status. But, given the price it is understandable.
Most consumers who are buying phones for $250 are not expecting highend phones, they are expecting a smartphone that offers them the look, feel, and experience of a highend phone and the UMi Plus perfectly fits the bill.